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Situation Analysis on the Implementation of Tsetse and Trypanosomiasis Activities in Mozambique

Situation Analysis on the Implementation of Tsetse and Trypanosomiasis Activities in Mozambique

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juillet 17, 2017 to juillet 21, 2017

A situation analysis mission to evaluate the implementation of tsetse and trypanosomiasis control interventions led by Dr. Gift Wiseman Wanda, Acting Coordinator PATTEC, comprising Mr Girma Urgeacha, GIS database specialist, Mr Stancilas Takawira, Senior Partners Funds Officer and Mrs Roman Mekonnen, Partners Funds Officer in the Department of Strategic Policy Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation and Resource Mobilization (SPPMERM) was undertaken to Mozambique from 17-21 July 2017.

The mission has met several stakeholders: office of the Director of Veterinary Services (Dr Americo Manuel da Conceicao), office of the Vice Minister for Agriculture and Food Security (Hon. Luisa Celma Meque); National Veterinary Laboratory; the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, core staff of the of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security responsible for T&T control and representatives from the Animal Science Directorate of the Agrarian Research Institute, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and the Biotechnology Centre; EU Delegation to Mozambique, FAO Country Representation, staff of office of ministry of Finance and Development.

During the visit, Hon. Luisa Celma Meque, the Vice minister, underscored the importance of T&T control in the country’s efforts to meet the targets of food security, reduction in importation of meat and improving meat value chains.

The mission took note of current framework for implementing the PATTEC initiative in the country, existing structure of national PATTEC Office, inter-governmental collaboration, resource mobilisations mechanisms, partnership among others.

A wrap-up meeting, chaired by the Dr. Fernando Rodrigues, was held on Friday 21 July 2017 during which the draft Aide Memoire and the findings of the mission were discussed. This Aide Memoire was prepared by the mission team and reflects the understanding reached between the mission and Senior Officials of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security.