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Launch of the Africa Biennial Report on DRR

Launch of the Africa Biennial Report on DRR

août 05, 2020
Launch of the Africa Biennial Report on DRR

What: Virtual Inaugural Ceremony of Africa’s Biennial Report on Disaster Risk Reduction 2015 – 2018.
When: Wednesday 5th August 2020
Time: 11:00am East African Time (EAT)
Where: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_KhSNDwhtSO2qwS2kvkFMDg

Registration is required in advance and confirmation email containing information about joining the event will be issued.

Who: The meeting will be co-organized by the African Union Commission (AUC) through Department of Rural Economy and Agriculture (DREA) and the Government of The Gambia.

His Excellency Mr. Adama Barrow, President of the Republic of The Gambia will be invited for the Keynote address and launching of the Inaugural Africa Biennial Report on Disaster Risk Reduction, in his capacity as the Host of the event.

Why: The African Union Commission has developed the continent’s inaugural Report on Disaster Risk Reduction. The report covers the period 2015-2018 and provides detailed analysis of disaster risks and disasters during the past four years. The aim is to understand the risks facing Africa, its vulnerabilities to different disasters risks, its capacity to prevent, mitigate, response and efforts made by different Regional Economic Communities and AU Member States to recover from different hazards.

Over the past 20 years, Africa becomes the only continent where disasters have increased exponentially. Although the mortality associated with these disasters have reduced, the economic losses and social impacts on African citizens have increased. This is because Africa is highly vulnerable to multi-hazards. Droughts, floods, cyclone, landslides and epidemics have become frequent and intense. Pests and diseases are also on rise.

Understanding vulnerabilities, hazards, and disasters and their impacts is key to reducing disaster risks and mitigation of disaster impacts and effective disaster recovery and reconstructions mechanisms. In so doing, the African Union Commission has embarked on: (i) strengthening disaster risk scientists to generate scientific evidence to inform risk reduction measures; and (ii) develop disaster risk reduction reports biennially at continental level. Building on the outcome of the report, the AUC is working with RECs and partners to support development of annual DRR reports at regional and national level.

The Africa Biennial Report on Disaster Risk Reduction aims to generate evidence for decision making. The outcome of which will inform risk reduction programmes at continental, regional and national levels.

The report was initially planned to be launched on the margins of the Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the African Union in February 2020. However due to technical challenges related to making the report available for launching, it was postponed to a later date. With prevailing COVID-19 context, the AU Commission and the Republic of The Gambia have rescheduled the launching, virtually, on 5th August 2020.


The overall objective of the event is to create awareness and knowledge on disaster risk reduction and to generate political will needed to implement disaster risk reduction interventions.

Expected Outcomes:

The event will have the following outcomes:

· Increased awareness among African policy makers on progress and challenges on Disaster Risks facing the continent with the aim to increase political will and commitments,
· Improved visibility of AU Commission works on DRR to the African public
· Showcase Africa’s progress on the implementation of Africa Regional Strategy and Sendai Framework (2015-2030) for Disaster Risk Reduction


The meeting brings together representatives from bilateral and multilateral partners, including UN Agencies, foundations, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Other AU Member States, RECs, Global Resilience community, Academia, Private Sector, Civil Society, as well as others. Special guests including Chairperson of AU Commission, Head of European Union Delegation to the African Union, Chair of AU PRC Sub-Committee on Environment, DREA Commissioner, UN Secretary General’s Representative on Disaster Risk Reduction, IGAD Executive Secretary (representing the Regional Economic Communities) are also expected in this event.

Please join the event:

Representatives of the media are invited to attend and cover the event scheduled to be held on Wednesday 5th August 2020 starting from 11:00-13:00.

Further Information:
Mr. Kai Gatkuoth| Technical Coordinator for Disaster Risk Reduction| Directorate of Rural Economy and Agriculture, African Union Commission | E-mail: KaiG@africa-union.org | WhatsApp: +251 909537884

For Media Inquiries contact:
Molalet Tsedeke |Directorate of Information and Communication, African Union Commission | E-mail: Molalett@africa-union.org; Tel. +251-911630 631


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