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AUC Deputy Chairperson Holds First Meeting with Staff Members as She Spearheads the Implementation of The Commission’s Transitional Plan

AUC Deputy Chairperson Holds First Meeting with Staff Members as She Spearheads the Implementation of The Commission’s Transitional Plan

mai 29, 2021
AUC DCP Holds First Meeting with Staff Members

In line with the ongoing implementation of the institutional reforms of the African Union and its Transitional Plan, the Deputy Chairperson of the AU Commission convened a virtual staff town hall meeting on Friday 21 May 2021, to present the various activities undertaken to expedite the restructuring of the AU Commission and its Transitional Plan. This is in accordance with  the February 2021 virtual Summit which mandated the AUC Chairperson (CP) to develop a new departmental structure that is lean and performance-oriented, taking into account the division of labour between the African Union, RECs and Regional Mechanisms, Member States and continental organisations. The Deputy Chairperson H.E Dr. Monique Nsanzabaganwa under the leadership of H.E. Moussa Faki Mahamat, Chairperson of the AU Commission, was entrusted with the responsibility of spearheading the effective implementation of the Transitional Plan.

Addressing the Staff Town Hall meeting, the Deputy Chairperson recalled that, ever since her appointment in February 2021, she has been actively engaging with all the relevant directorates, familiarising herself with the work of the AU Commission and holding information consultations aimed at ensuring the smooth, effective and efficient implementation of the AUC transitional plan. This first meeting was therefore an opportunity to formally introduce herself to them, and update them on the activities that have been undertaken under the Transitional Plan, among others. She underlined the role of the Staff Association in ensuring that the interests of the staff members are well captured during the reform process.

The Deputy Chairperson went through all the actions that will be taken during the implementation of the AU Reforms. The floor was then open for staff members to express their views, and to make contributions and recommendations for consideration by the AUC leadership. Key areas of discussion included the recruitment of the senior leadership, the skills audit, the Merit Based Recruitment System (MBRS), counselling for staff as part of the change management process and improved inclusion of the AU organs and institutions in the reforms discourse.

The institutional reform of the African Union aims to establish a high performing, efficient and effective organization, that is able to deliver on agreed continental priorities, as well as attract and retain the best quality personnel, that are motivated and committed to delivering to the highest standards while operating within a strong accountability and performance based framework.

Also in attendance at the staff town hall meeting were the R10 members, who have played a key role in designing and developing the Merit Based Recruitment System (MBRS) for the AU, and the Skills Audit and Competence Assessment Process among others. Representatives from the AU Reform Unit also took part in the staff meeting.