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Commemoration of the African Union Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Development (PCRD) Awareness Week,

Commemoration of the African Union Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Development (PCRD) Awareness Week,

novembre 21, 2022 to novembre 28, 2022




WHAT: The AU Commission will commemorate the second Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Development (PCRD) Awareness Week. The theme of the week is ‘Towards Repositioning Post-conflict Reconstruction and Development in Africa.’ Its tagline isGreater Awareness, Sustained Peacebuilding’.

WHEN: The PCRD Awareness Week will be commemorated from Monday 21 November 2022 to Monday 28 November 2022.

WHY: The objective of this week is to raise awareness and ensure an increased buy-in from stakeholders in supporting effective PCRD and peacebuilding responses through the mobilization of the necessary human, financial, material and institutional resources, at the national, regional and continental levels. The week coincides with the process of the review of the AU PCRD Policy, adopted in Banjul, The Gambia, in 2006. The policy is the core instrument for post-conflict reconstruction, peacebuilding, and development in Africa.

WHERE: African Union Commission, Addis Ababa/virtual.

WHO: The Political Affairs, Peace and Security (PAPS) Department will convene a series of activities during the second edition of the PCRD Awareness Week. Thus, AU Member States, Regional Economic Communities and Regional Mechanisms, as well as AU Permanent Missions, AU Liaison Offices to the RECs, AU Organs, and AU Liaison Offices and Field Missions among others are invited to partake in the activities to raise the awareness in the continent and the international community on the core objectives of the PCRD Awareness Week.

The PCRD Awareness Week serves a milestone in renewing the commitment of the AU Commission through the PAPS Department, in fostering post-conflict reconstruction and development towards Agenda 2063 aspirations of a peaceful, prosperous and secure Africa.

For more information, contact :

  1. Ms. Sandra Adong Oder, Ag. Coordinator, PCRD Unit & the AU Centre for PCRD, Political Affairs, Peace and Security Department, African Union Commission. Email: OderS@africa-union.org
  2. Mr. Adil Badmoussi, Senior Policy Advisor (PCRD), Political Affairs, Peace and Security Department, African Union Commission. Email: BadmoussiA@africa-union.org
  3. Mr. Kevino T. Tchatcho, Programme Budget Coordinator, Political Affairs, Peace and Security Department, African Union Commission. Email: Kevint@africa-union.org





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