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Validation Workshop for Report on Africa’s Policy Guidelines to Curb IUU Fishing and Promoting Transparency in the African Fisheries Sector

Validation Workshop for Report on Africa’s Policy Guidelines to Curb IUU Fishing and Promoting Transparency in the African Fisheries Sector

juillet 05, 2023 to juillet 06, 2023

The African Union Commission (AUC), in collaboration with the World Wide Fund for Nature, and with the financial support of the Bloomberg Philanthropies Oceans Fund, is organising a consultative workshop aimed at curbing Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing (IUUF) in Africa. The workshop will bring together fisheries experts, government agencies, NGOs, academia, and local communities to engage in a constructive dialogue on addressing the sustainability and transparency challenges associated with IUUF. The workshop will be held on 5-6 July 2023 in Mombasa, Kenya.

Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing is a pressing issue in Africa, causing an estimated loss of $11.2 billion in annual revenue, with severe impacts on the food systems, marine ecosystems and governance structures of the African Union. IUUF not only poses economic losses but also has severe social and ecological impacts. While many African Union member states acknowledge the nefarious impacts of IUUF and have acceded to a range of continental and international instruments relating to IUUF, their capacity to address it has been limited. 

In this context, the AUC and WWF have conducted a gap analysis on IUUF in Africa and developed a set of continental policy guidelines on curbing IUUF and enhancing fisheries transparency.

The objective of the consultative workshop is to facilitate meaningful and constructive dialogue to strengthen Africa’s response to IUUF, identify needs, and develop a roadmap for implementation of the Policy Guidelines. The workshop aims to review the existing policy and institutional architecture, promote transparency as a tool to fight IUUF, and establish a long-term strategy to combat IUU fishing in Africa.

Key Objectives of the Workshop

The workshop will provide a platform:

  1. For AU member states, regional economic communities and relevant stakeholders to discuss the findings of the gap analysis and the policy guidelines and ensure that they are aligned with existing fisheries policies and guidelines in Africa;
  2. To articulate good governance mechanisms and regional cooperation for the improvement, conservation, and management of natural resources in Africa.
  3. To undertake stakeholder consultations to develop a comprehensive understanding of the policy study and regional policy guidelines.
  4. To identify challenges, gaps, and opportunities for promoting transparency across AU regional member countries, with a focus on the role of Regional Economic Communities (RECs).
  5. To raise awareness among AU Member states about new policy instruments and frameworks, such as the WTO Agreement on Subsidies and FAO Port State Measures Agreement (PSMA), to combat IUU fishing, promote sustainable fisheries, and ensure transparency.

Expected Outcomes:

1. Validation of the policy brief and policy guidelines by stakeholders;

2. Development of a roadmap for the endorsement and implementation of the policy guidelines;

3. Increased commitment and progress in the ratification and implementation of global policies to combat IUU fishing;

4. Enhanced awareness and collaboration among AU Member states regarding global policies for effective IUU fishing control.


The event will include some open panel discussions as well as closed working sessions and will be held in a hybrid format. Kindly contact the below focal persons for the link.

Further information on the event please contact:

Barkha Mossae | Blue Economy Advisor | African Union Commission | mossaeB@africa-union.org

Linda Etta | Blue Economy Coordinator | Africa Union Commission | EttaL@africa-union.org

Durrel Halleson | Manager, Policy and Partnerships | World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) - Regional Office for Africa | dhalleson@wwfint.org

For media enquiries please contact:

Molalet Tsedeke | Information and Communication Directorate | African Union Commission

Tel: +251 115 517 700 | E-mail: Molalett@africa-union.org ; WhatsApp: +251-911-630-631 | Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Valentine Njoroge | Senior Specialist, Communications, Africa | WWF International| E-mail: vnjoroge@wwfint.org




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