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African Union Commission and African Development Bank Group Embark on Developing a Multisectoral Nutrition Policy Framework to Combat Malnutrition in Africa

African Union Commission and African Development Bank Group Embark on Developing a Multisectoral Nutrition Policy Framework to Combat Malnutrition in Africa

août 23, 2024

Dakar, 19 August 2024 – In a pivotal move towards ending malnutrition in Africa, the African Union Commission (AUC), African Development Bank Group’s African Leaders for Nutrition in partnership with the Republic of Senegal, announced the development of the Multisectoral Nutrition Policy Framework (MSNPF) and Funding Target (FT) for Nutrition Investment in Africa during a high-level workshop in Dakar, Senegal. These two documents aim to strengthen domestic financial investments and ensure a coordinated multisectoral approach to malnutrition across the continent.

The workshop, was attended by representatives from nine West African nations, United Nations agencies, and international and local partners, and marked the first of five regional consultations designed to gather critical data for the development of the two documents. "This initiative is a significant stride towards actualizing Agenda 2063, where every African child can grow up well-nourished and healthy, free from the burden of malnutrition," said Gertrude Masautso Kara, Technical Advisor on Nutrition Policy at the AUC.

The initiative is an outcome of a resolution passed during the African Union's 41st Executive Council meeting held in Lusaka, Zambia in 2022, and which called for the development of a multisectoral nutrition policy framework, and a nutrition investment target to ensure adequate funding for nutrition initiatives.

The MSNPF- FT workshop highlighted the urgent need for increased investments in nutrition. "Despite various initiatives, malnutrition rates continue to rise, particularly in West Africa. The economic costs of this crisis are staggering," remarked Mr. Ibrahim Gueye, Director of the Prime Minister's Office and President of the National Nutrition Council of Senegal. "This consultation is timely and necessary to accelerate our efforts towards a well-nourished and prosperous Africa."

The discussions generated actionable insights and sector-specific recommendations for integrating nutrition into health, agriculture, education, and finance sectors. Speaking on behalf of the African Development Bank, African Leaders for Nutrition Coordinator, George Ouma, emphasized the importance of data-driven decision-making, "The Comprehensive Nutrition Accountability Scorecard (CNAS) is a critical tool in identifying gaps and driving the development of guidelines that ensure accountability and effective implementation" he said.

The consultations also served to drum up support for African countries to participate in the Nutrition for Growth Summit, scheduled to take place in March 2025, in Paris, France - a global event held every four years by the Olympic host country to mobilize commitments and accelerate progress towards ending malnutrition by 2030..

The event concluded with a call for a unified approach to nutrition advocacy and a commitment to addressing the challenges of implementing multisectoral nutrition interventions. "Our goal is clear – to ensure that no child in Africa suffers from malnutrition. We must strengthen our collaboration across sectors and scale up effective interventions," Mr. Ouma urged.

As the first step in a continent-wide initiative, this workshop sets the stage for efforts to develop a comprehensive investment policy framework and a coordinated effort to combat malnutrition, signaling a new era of nutrition investment in Africa.

For further information, please contact:

Mr. Derrick Ochuot | Strategic Communication Expert | Directorate of Health and Humanitarian Affairs | Health Systems, Disease and Nutrition Division | African Union Commission | E-mail: ochuotd@africa-union.org | Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Ms. Natalie Nkembuh | Communications Lead | African Leaders for Nutrition | Africa Development Bank | E-mail: media@afdb.org | Abidjan, Ivory Coast


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