Une Afrique Unie et Forte

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Executive Council Fourteenth Ordinary Session


1 EX.CL/Dec.454(XIV)
Decision on the Budget for the African Union for the 2009 Financial Year – Doc.EX.CL/455(XIV) 3
2 EX.CL/Dec.455(XIV)
Decision on the Use of Surplus 1
3 EX.CL/Dec.456(XIV)
Decision on Other Financial Matters 1
4 EX.CL/Dec.457(XIV)
Decision on the Contributions of Member States – Doc. EX.CL/453(XIV) 1
5 EX.CL/Dec.458(XIV)
Decision on the AU 2009 Calendar of Meetings – Doc. EX.CL/453(XIV) 2
6 EX.CL/Dec.459(XIV)
Decision on the Status of Signature and Ratification of OAU/AU Treaties and the Harmonization of Ratification procedures
– Doc.EX.CL/458(XIV) 1
7 EX.CL/Dec.459(XIV)
Decision on the Review of the Protocol Relating to the Pan-African Parliament (PAP) – Doc.EX.CL/459(XIV) 1
8 EX.CL/Dec.461(XIV)
Decision on the Implementation of the African Union Border Programme – Doc.EX.CL/459(XIV) 9
Decision on the Report of Refugees, Returnees and Internally Displaced Persons in Africa – Doc.EX.CL/460(XIV) 2
10 EX.CL/Dec.463(XIV)
Decision on the Report of the Commission on the Implementation of Decision EX.CL/408(XII)
on the Commemoration of the Abolition of Slavery – Doc.EX.CL/461(XIV) 1
11 EX.CL/Dec.464(XIV)
Decision on the Establishment of the Pan-African Stock Exchange – Doc.EX.CL/464(XIV) 2
12 EX.CL/Dec.465(XIV)
Decision on the Plan of Action for the Implementation of the Great Green Wall for the Sahara and Sahel Initiative – Doc.EX.CL/465 1
13 EX.CL/Dec.466(XIV)
Decision to Increase Salaries of African Union Elected Officials and Staff – Doc.PRC/Rpt(XVII) 1
14 EX.CL/Dec.467(XIV)
Decision on the Adjustments to the Maputo Structure Part D – Doc.PRC/Rpt/(XVII) 1
15 EX.CL/Dec.468(XIV)
Decision on the Second Ordinary Session of the Conference of African Union Ministers in charge of Youth – Doc.EX.CL/470(XIV) 1

16 EX.CL/Dec.469(XIV)
Decision on the Report of the Twelfth Session of the African Ministerial Council on Environment (AMCEN) – Doc. EX.CL/471(XIV) 3
17 EX.CL/Dec.470(XIV)
Decision on the Report of the Second Session of the African Union Conference of Ministers of Sport – Doc.EX.CL/472(XIV) 1
18 EX.CL/Dec.471(XIV)
Decision on the Development and Management of Africa’s Mineral Resources – Doc.EX.CL/474(XIV) 1
19 EX.CL/Dec.472(XIV)
Decision on the Second Session of the African Union Conference of Ministers of Culture (CAMC II) – Doc.EX.CL/475(XIV) 2
20 EX.CL/Dec.473(XIV)
Decision on the First Session of the African Union Conference of Ministers in charge of Social Development – Doc.EX.CL/477(XIV) 1
21 EX.CL/Dec.474(XIV)
Decision on the Draft Statutes of the African Union Commission on International Law – Doc.EX.CL/478(XIV)a 1
22 EX.CL/Dec.475(XIV)
Decision on the Draft African Charter on Statistics – Doc.EX.CL/478(XIV)b 1
23 EX.CL/Dec.476(XIV)
Decision on Afro-Arab Cooperation – Doc.EX.CL/482(XIV) 1
24 EX.CL/Dec.477(XIV)
Decision on the Economic, Social and Cultural Council (ECOSOCC) – Doc.EX.CL/483(XIV) 2
25 EX.CL/Dec.478(XIV)
Decision on the Situation in the Middle East and Palestine – Doc.EX.CL/486(XIV) 1
26 EX.CL/Dec.479(XIV)
Decision on the Strategy for the Implementation of the Plan of Action for the Accelerated Industrial Development of Africa
– Doc.EX.CL/476(XIV) 3
27 EX.CL/Dec.480(XIV)
Decision on the Multilateral Cooperation – Doc.EX.CL/462(XIV) 1
28 EX.CL/Dec.481(XIV)
Decision on the African Union Commission Strategic Plan 2009-2012 – Doc.EX.CL/454(XIV) 2
29 EX.CL/Dec.482(XIV)
Decision on the Twenty Fifth Activity Report of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights – Doc.EX.CL/490(XIV) 1

30 EX.CL/Dec.483(XIV)
Decision on the Activity Report of the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights – Doc.EX.CL/489(XIV) 1
31 EX.CL/Dec.484(XIV)
Decision on African Candidatures for Posts within the International System – Doc.EX.CL/Dec.485(XIII) 1
32 EX.CL/Dec.485(XIV)
Decision on the Election of Members of the Advisory Board on Corruption within the African Union – Doc.EX.CL/492(XIV) 2
33 EX.CL/Dec.486(XIV)
Decision on the Establishment of the Trust Fund for African Women – Doc.EX.CL/Dec.445(XIII) 1
34 EX.CL/Dec.487(XIV)
Decision on the African Union Gender Policy 1
35 EX.CL/Dec.488(XIV)
Decision on the Comorian Island of Mayotte 1
Declaration on Palestine 1

Vendredi, janvier 30, 2009 - 11:00


février 10, 2022

Agenda 2063 is Africa’s development blueprint to achieve inclusive and sustainable socio-economic development over a 50-year period.