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Teacher Professional Guidelines and Qualification Framework Workshop kicked-off

Teacher Professional Guidelines and Qualification Framework Workshop kicked-off

octobre 21, 2019

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 21 October 2019- The status of the Teacher in Africa is critical to achieving Agenda 2063 vision of integration, peace and prosperity, by facilitating acquisition of not just skills and knowledge, but also requisite values and attitudes; and therefore the status of the Teacher must unquestionably assured.

Against this backdrop, the African Union (AU) hosted the first Inaugural Ceremony of AU Continental Teacher Prize and Validation of Teacher Professional Guidelines and Qualification Framework. The aim of the Forum is to contribute to achieve the first strategic objective of the 2016-2025 Continental Education Strategy for Africa (CESA), which is Teacher Development is. Furthermore, the event comes as a follow up for a decision by the AU Heads of State and Government in 2016, to carry a study on teachers’ training, working and living conditions in Africa, with wide ranging recommendations including the need to enhance Teacher Motivation, Professionalization, Quality Regulatory Mechanisms, Teacher Mobility and Teacher Award, among others.

The event addressed by the Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture (DREA), H.E Josefa Sacko, speaking on behalf of H. E. Professor Sarah Anyang Agbor the Commissioner for Human Resources, Science and Technology (HRST), thanked all the distinguished delegates from Member States, Regional Economic Communities (RECs), UN agencies, partners and other stakeholders represented in this event.

Professor Sarah Anyang Agbor further reiterated the importance the Teacher as a prime mover in the Agenda 2063. “The Teacher is seen as a prime mover in the Agenda 2063 quest for an education and skills revolution for achieving an integrated, peaceful and prosperous Africa, which is unpacked in the Continental Education Strategy for Africa (CESA 16-25), with teacher development as the first of its strategic objectives; which has called for the implementation and the recommendations of the study of teacher training, working and living conditions in Africa” said the HRST Commissioner.

Professor Sarah Anyang Agbor emphasized that “It is beyond doubt that education and skills revolution that is called for by Agenda 2063 cannot materialize except with a focus on Teacher Development; and part of this Teacher Development is the mobility of teacher, teacher motivation, qualification framework and the Teacher prize where the outstanding teachers in the continent are recognized, and the reasons why we are gathered here today.” She further added “The Teacher Prize is an important and valuable instrument that contributes to the success of Agenda 2063 and the Continental Education Strategy for Africa (CESA), to enhance visibility and status of the Teacher in Africa at all levels - Pre-primary, Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary including TVET; Promote Teaching as a profession at all levels; Celebrate and encourage outstanding teachers. This first AU Teacher Award focuses on Secondary Teachers.”

Professor Sarah Anyang Agbor concluded by commending and noting the importance of new partnerships for ensuring quality instruments to empower the people of Africa to raise quality and professional status of teachers and to bring about transformation of education system in accordance with the African union vision, to ensure quality and relevance at all levels of education for the Africa we want.

It has been noted during the opening ceremony by different speakers that teacher professional standards are important in the development of Teaching Profession in Africa, in achieving the CESA Strategic Objective 1; “Revitalize the teaching profession to ensure quality and relevance at all levels”; and toward the overall achievement of AU Agenda 20163.

This event will provide opportunities for nurturing networking and exchange in areas of Teacher Development in Africa. The event will be held at the African Union Headquarters, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 21- 23 October, 2019, with the following highlights:
i. Inaugural Award Ceremony for the AU Continental Teacher Prize
ii. Expert presentation and Stakeholder validation of the key teacher development instruments:
a. Continental Teacher Qualification Framework
b. Continental Teacher Professional Standards and Guidelines
iii. Review of progress in the realization of the Continental Teachers Without Borders
iv. Agreement on the way forward towards finalization, promotion and implementation of the new instruments
The inaugural award ceremony for the AU Teacher Prize will be held on Wednesday 23 October 2019 at 9.00 am.
For information related to the meeting please contact:
Dr. Beatrice Njenga | Head of Education Division, Human Resources, Science and Technology Department| E- mail: NjengaB@africa-union.org
For media inquiries, please contact:
Mr. Gamal Ahmed A. Karrar | Communications Officer, Directorate of Information and Communication, African Union Commission | E- mail: GamalK@africa-union.org

For further information: Directorate of Information and Communication | African Union Commission I E-mail: DIC@africa-union.org I Web Site: www.au.int I Addis Ababa | Ethiopia
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