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Unlocking the Economic potential for the Youth through Agribusiness in Africa

Unlocking the Economic potential for the Youth through Agribusiness in Africa

février 22, 2024

The African Union Commission, in collaboration with the Africa Union Development Agency- New Partnership for Africa Development (AUDA-NEPAD), Regional Economic Communities (RECs), AGRA, Youth organisations and Networks and other stakeholder made a call and committed to collective and collaborative approaches to effectively implement the African Union Agribusiness Youth Strategy (AAYS) to contribute to AU Agenda2063 and to achieve the required economic impact for the youth on the continent.

The deliberations were made at the Planning workshop to operationalize the Africa Union, African Agribusiness Youth Strategy (AAYS) held on 22-24 February 202, in Kigali Rwanda. The workshop was organised by AUC-DARBE in collaboration with AGRA, representatives from the Regional Economic Communities, AUDA-NEPAD, AfCFTA, key partners such as PAFO, AAI, CAYAAC and the youth.

Dr. Janet Edeme, the Head of Rural Development Division and Acting Head of Agriculture and Food Security delivered a statement on behalf of H.E Amb. Josefa Sacko the Commissioner of Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Economy and Sustainable Environment of the African Union Commission. She emphasized the need to harness the immense potential of our youth in the field of agribusiness, an issue that remains key to the economic transformation of Africa.” The youth are at the centre of the African Union’s development Agenda 2063 particularly aspiration 6 of the agenda stresses the need to achieve an equal prosperity of the continent based on inclusive and sustainable growth, driven by the potential of its peoples, women, and youth” she added.

 Dr. Edeme further stated that young people constitute more than 60 % of Africa’s population and they are playing a vital role in the in the economies of most African Union member states- including in the agri-food systems as producers and traders of food, as workers, innovators and entrepreneurs. However, we are also equally aware the challenges and age-specific vulnerabilities that young people face across the continent.

In his remarks, Mr. Boaz Keizire, Head of Policy, from AGRA emphasized the transformative potential within the Continent’s rising youth population. Noting the increasing levels of education among the youth demographic, Keizire highlighted the unprecedented opportunities for economic and social development. He also emphasised the pivotal role of modernizing the agricultural sector, citing it as a key avenue to harness the talents and energies of this generation. Critical to this is creating conducive policy frameworks and strategic investments to unlock the vast economic potential embedded within Africa's youthful workforce. Concluding his remarks, he urged stakeholders to seize the moment, tapping into the abundant labor force and expanding food systems, thereby fostering much-needed economic growth across the continent. "Let us tap into the abundant supply of youthful labor and growing food markets and take the opportunity to provide the right policy environment and make the necessary investments to unlock the earning potential of youths," he stated.

The African Union Member state have the obligation to meet the aspiration of Agenda 2063, but also confronted with the challenge presented by the youth bulge phenomenon with particular concern of the lack of jobs available for hundreds of millions of young people graduating from schools, universities, and tertiary institutions—they face both unemployment and underemployment. In an attempt to address the youth unemployment crisis affecting 64% of young adults, the African Union developed the AAYS to guide the youth to take advantage of agribusiness opportunities that presented through the entire agriculture value chain.

Agribusiness has the potential to create and scale up decent employment opportunities for young women and men. The Agriculture sector boasts of effectively reducing poverty growth and boosting economic development in other sectors, it provided untapped potential to boost the creativity, energy, innovation and entrepreneurship of youth, multiplying decent employment opportunities and wealth in agri-food sectors, providing options and alternatives for the youth.

As a continental strategy, the AAYS seeks to promote the establishment and harmonization of youth in agribusiness initiatives and employment opportunities schemes at Continental, Regional, and Member States levels. Its implementation requires a coherent action at all levels of governance and involving key stakeholders pertinent to achieve the objectives of creating youth jobs and youth agribusinesses at the scale of tens of millions across the continent. This strategy document tackles how to ensure the youth are not left behind but are engaged in agriculture.

A roadmap and actions plan were collective developed to ensure the AAYS is implemented in a harmonized and collaborative way, leveraging on the competitive advantage of each of the stakeholder and striving to make the required economic impact for the youth at regional and national level.

For further information, please contact:

  1. Dr. Janet Edeme, Head of Division for Rural Development and Ag. Head of Division for Agriculture and Food Security, Division,  Directorate of Agriculture and Rural Development, (DARBE)  African Union Commission  Email: EdemeJ@africa-union.org
  2. Mr. Haile Abebe – Project Coordinator - Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Economy and Sustainable Environment, African Union Commission Email: HaileA@africa-union.org

For media inquiries, please contact:

  1. Ms. Peace Lydia Mutuwa, Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Economy and Sustainable Environment, African Union Commission; Email mutuwap@africa-union.org
  2. Mr.  Molalet Tsedeke, Information and Communications Directorate; AU Commission Tel: 0911-630631; Email: molalett@africa-union.org

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